Happy Holidays from Bruliam Wines

I am grateful for my job, good health, and my family. I’m grateful no fermentations stuck this harvest season. I am grateful to watch sunrise over vineyards and call Sonoma County my home. I’m grateful I can still run 10 miles, since patience, mindfulness, and calm do not come easily to me. And I am grateful when my kids afford me time to ice my knees when I’m done.

“You think this is just another day in your life. It’s not just another day. It’s the one day that is given to you. Today…And the only appropriate response is gratefulness.”

-Benedictine monk Brother David Steindl-Rast from this Ted talk (link - start at the 4:10 mark)

May your holidays include an abundance of great food, good humor, and finer wine.


