Vote for the November Poll Winner

It's that time again - time to vote for your favorite Brigade picture!  We've got some great contenders this month!  As ususal, the winner will get $250 donated to the charity of their choice. If you haven't submitted your Bruliam Brigade picture yet, what are you waiting for?  And if you've already sent one in but lost the monthly contest, you need to scrape your ego back up off the floor and send us some new pictures.  We'll be doing this every month for the foreseeable future, so there are lots of chances to win!

And for those of you who have signed up to receive our e-mails (or are reading this for the first time) and are wondering why you don't have a Brigade shirt yet, you need to click here and fill out the form to register for the Brigade and receive a free t-shirt.

To vote all you need to do is: (1) click on the bullet next to the person's name and (2) click the big VOTE button at the bottom of the poll. The poll will instantly update the tally and show you the most current results.  If the system works properly, you will only be able to vote once.  But, you can forward the link or this e-mail to as many people as you want to get them to vote for you.

The poll will only be open for voting until 8am on Thursday December 10th so get voting!

If you can't see the poll or vote properly through the e-mail, please CLICK HERE and you can vote on the website.
