Holiday Wishes

As Kerith mentioned in her post yesterday, we're going to be taking a little break from the blogosphere to dredge through the holiday season and thoroughly enjoy the "most horrible time of the year" (the two week period around Christmas and New Years when the nannies are on vacation and I actually have to act like a real parent). As a final send off for 2008, we want to thank everyone for your support and feedback over the past few months.  We've very excited about 2009 - we'll be sampling our 2008 wines and selecting fruit for the 2009 vintage shortly.

And remember - when you travel over the next couple of weeks, make sure to take your Bruliam t-shirt with you and send us the pictures.  You'll be able to win money for your favorite charity through shameless commercialism and viral marketing. 

And isn't that what the holidays are all about? 

See you in January!

